Why is it important to have energy in MarketGlory?
- Depending on the energy level you receive fight bonuses;
- Energy is an important factor in calculating productivity;
- Depending on the energy level you get a percentage of your referrals earnings;
- Attack and defense are influenced by the energy level.
How much energy do you get?
The food is consumed four times a day, at: 3.15, 9.15, 15.15 and 21.15 server time (+2 GMT). The food can be bought either from the local market (with local currency), or from the global market (with Gold). After you have bought the food, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/Inventory.
- 1 per day for low quality
- 3 per day for normal quality
- 5 per day for high-quality.
- 1 for lower quality coffee
- 3 for normal quality coffee
- 5 for high quality coffee
- 1 for lower quality Milk
- 3 for normal quality Milk
- 5 for high quality Milk
- 7 house
- 20 Villa
- 35 Palace
Articles: You get 0.3 points of energy for each article you buy, up to 10 articles a day. The articles can be bought from the Home page.
Wine: It gives the points of energy shown when you buy it. The wine can be consumed once a day and it gets stronger on stock, with 0.1 points of energy every 12 hours. The wine can be bought only from the local market (with local currency). After you have bought the wine, you can see how many products you have on stock from the menu Profile/ Inventory.
Cheese: The Cheese is consumed whenever you decide. When the Cheese is consumed, you receive 50 points of energy. You can have up to 10 Cheese pieces each day.
For clothes and houses, the energy is distributed each hour, for the whole day. For instance, for q1 clothes, you will receive 1/24 points of energy each hour, for q2 clothes – 3/24 points of energy, and for q3 clothes – 5/24 points of energy each hour. The same, for a house you will receive each hour 7/24 points of energy, for a villa – 20/24 points of energy and for a palace – 35/24 points of energy.
How does energy decrease?
Energy decreases by 5% per hour, by 10% when you fight and 50% when you work.
A high energy level allows you to earn more, and to receive higher taxes from your referrals activity.
WARNING! It is very important to correlate the costs with the income. It is not a good thing for everyone to have a high energy level.
Energy can reach up to 100.
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