Although Bellatians have small body frames, they have strong physical abilities. Before the three nations were hostile towards each other, Bellato Union had learned high tech machinery from Accretians and spiritual powers from Corites. Because of this, Bellatians today use both machinery and magic to further civilization.
Bellato offers four classes you can choose from: Warrior, Ranger, Spiritualist, and Specialist.
Level 30 Class Promotions: | |
Commandos deal a lot of damage. They prefer close-combat and using two-handed weapons. Class skill(s): |
Milers are excellent at defending. They prefer using shields and wielding one-handed swords. Class Skill(s): |
Level 40 Class Promotions | ||
Berserker Berserkers are excellent at close-range combat. They give massive amounts of damage. Class Skills(s): |
Armsman Armsmen are good with both defense and offense. They prefer using maces. Class Skills(s): |
Shield Miler Shield Milers have very high defense due to using shields. Their specialized shields are able to drain and absorb health from opponents. Class Skills(s): |
Level 30 Class Promotions | |
Desperado Desperados are good with both long and short-range weapons and can deal a lot of damage. Class Skill(s): |
Sniper Snipers specialize in long-range weapons. They can be useful for scouting out territory and setting traps. Class Skill(s): |
Level 40 Class Promotions | ||
Hidden Soldier Hidden Soldiers prefer firearms. Class Skill(s): |
Sentinel Sentinels use force along with other fighting tactics to defeat opponents. Class Skill(s): Mental Assault: Make opponent not be able to use forces |
Infiltrator There’s no other word to describe them – Infiltrators are like ninjas. They are very stealthy and lay a lot of traps. Class Skill(s): |
Level 30 Class Promotions | |
Psypers have very strong force skills. They prefer using force to attack than to support. Class Skill(s): |
Chandras are excellent at supporting their allies. They specialize in holy force. Class Skill(s): Heal Wind: Heals all party members. |
Level 40 Class Promotions | ||
Wizard Wizards have the strongest offensive power. They prefer to fight head on with their opponents. Class Skill(s): Force Impact: Immensely damages opponents |
Astraler Astralers are excellent at supporting their allies. Class Skill(s): |
Holy Chandra Holy Chandras have excellent supporting skills. Class Skill(s): |
Level 30 Class Promotion | |
Driver Drivers can operate MAU’s. Class Skill(s): None |
Craftman Craftsmen are suppliers who secialize in mining, processing, manufacturing, and upgrading. They can lead the game with grat economic foundation. Class Skill(s): |
Level 40 Class Promotions | |
Armor Rider Armor Riders can handle stronger MAU’s and can produce better armor. Class Skill(s): |
Mental Smith Mental Smiths aid battles by preparing various weapons and armors and takes part in protecting their allies. Class Skill(s): |
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